Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dog Daze

I'm 4 days old.  Four days since my bone marrow transplant (BMT), that is.  I'm connected to a small army of chemicals, dripping into my body non-stop.

I'm feeling extremely fatigued, hazy, and my throat is hurting.   Definitely not an easy time, but it's about what I've expected so far ... but we have not reached the hump yet.  I've been moved into an isolation room because my blood counts are dangerously low.   The doctors and nurses keep a calendar for me which tracks my blood counts every day, my BMT birthday, and some of the nasty medications I have to take.

 I should reach rock-bottom in the next three to four days; if all goes well, my counts will start increasing after that.   It's been hard to focus and writing this blog entry has been a challenge.  So, with that said, I'm due for a rest and nap ...


  1. Ok---will you hurry up! I don't know about this blogging stuff :-) Miss ya much... My prayers are with you. Thanks for the update.


  2. ooh.. that was sent a little too quick..

    You're doing great Jess; i'm proud of you.
    very proud of you; and i'm taking strengh in your journey.

    you be good ok?.
    lots of love, and on behalf of all your friends in Lesotho.
    Thanks for sharing.

    >Likeleli aka DK :D

  3. Hi Jess. Just want you to know that I am thinking of you, that I am watching your postings, and hope that you will be feeling better very soon. You are amazing !!!

  4. Jess,

    Thank you for keeping us up to date with your blogs. Your strength is truly inspiring! We miss you over near our cubicles. Just in case you were wondering, your cube-bell is making the sound of birds right now. :) Talk with you later my man.

  5. Hang in there, my dear. My mom, aunt, bro and I are thinking of you and are rooting for you. Much ♥ to you.

  6. Hi Jess,
    Thanks for posting how you are doing. I want you to know that you are in so many friends' prayers here. A package of cards will be delivered to your home address soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
