Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Progressing....Day by Day

Yesterday I delivered a thank you card to the BMT unit.  My time there was brutal but without the tremendous treatment I received from the wonderful doctors, nurses, aides, etc. in the the unit, it would have been disastrous.  There is still a chance I may have to spend some time back in the unit but I'm progressing as if the next time I see anyone from there is at the annual reunion party they have for transplant patients at Stanford.

I am doing well. My numbers continue to soar! My last reading showed my white blood cells and platelets approaching normal levels. I am no longer hooked up to any type of iv. I started to do light exercises today and can walk longer distances now.  However, I am still taking a bunch of medications.  Most of these meds are taken to help me fight infections.  I am very susceptible to host versus graft (my body fights the transplant/brother's cells) disease at this stage thus every Monday, Wednesday, Friday I am at the outpatient unit having my blood checked and getting tinkered with.  Its a very basic life right now but if I work hard and do what the doctors ask I get my whole life to live. Thats exciting.  Hopefully, in a few weeks I'm back home.