Well, I just completed day 2 of my radiation treatment. I have two days to go but only 5 more sessions. So far, knock on wood, I am taking radiation well. Some fatigue but no nausea, burning, rashes, diarrhea. Each session I get the juice for nearly 8 minutes and I still walk out of there like a champion! On Saturday, after the 4 days of radiation, I am admitted to the hospital and given a very high dose of chemo. We have been warned that the next 10-21 days after chemo will be the most miserable of my life...I'm good at miserable so we'll see how bad it really is. The good doctors of Stanford are set on destroying me and then, using my brother's bone marrow, building me back up.
By the way, my brother has been a real champ! Helping with appointments, meds, driving, friendship, etc...really having a good time when you consider the circumstances. Ok, tomorrow I write longer and provide an introduction. Adios friends! Peace to all - Hopefully I'm here everyday for the next three months so check in when you can! Jess
I have to wear a mask when walking around the clinic or outside. My trusty bag is at my side.
Here I am receiving radiation. The set up is rather crude - almost looks like a torture chamber or hangman's box. There are two metal plates that protect my lungs. I also rotate sides - once in front, next the back, etc.