Monday, April 19, 2010

Stanford May Not Be All That.....

Very rough first day...Left Galt at 4:30am with my brother for a 7am appointment.  Had a catheter placed in my chest,  radiation marks/ measurements made on my body and then, at about 3, had a continuous IV drip started. Well, sometime around 4 the nurse noticed a hole in my catheter tube and I had to go back to the surgery room to have it repaired - whose fault was this? who knows, but it cost me some blood, time, and a little bit of pain....and then getting my clothes after the operation was an even bigger fiasco! Too tired now -- Probably wasn't as bad as I thought. Anyway, at the end of the day, I got a bag full of fluids to follow me throughout the week. Tomorrow we start radiation!


  1. What a cute little IV bag!

  2. Yes, cute unless if you have to trudge it all around! Very needy bag -- everywhere I go it wants to follow...bathroom? it the store? it follows...for a drive? its there...anyway, it serves its purpose-forcing me to dump all the bad stuff in my body.
